compose music

美 [kəmˈpoʊz ˈmjuːzɪk]英 [kəmˈpəʊz ˈmjuːzɪk]
  • 创作乐曲
compose musiccompose music
  1. I can hear and I can compose music with food .


  2. Why must I compose music like everybody else composes ?


  3. Can you compose music on the computer ?


  4. I 'd like to paint and compose music , which means everything to me .


  5. Something I need right now : synthesizer , things I can compose music with .


  6. She would like to compose music and paint , after fulfilling her acting potential .


  7. I write lyrics and compose music for them and sing as well .


  8. You 've known your Essence when you 've been moved to tears from listening to an artist compose music .


  9. And assume for the moment that musical composition is a purely rational activity & that you can program a computer to compose music .


  10. One person went on to compose music for use in video games , another went on to become a plumber , and another tried to start a rock band .


  11. In order to compose music intelligently by genetic algorithm , the concrete question that how to create the music note sequences and the audio frequency file by the computer automatically is discussed .


  12. Also , it would be nice to harness CAs'universal computational power to compose music & in particular , to find a way to map CA evolutions into music that 's pleasing or at least interesting .


  13. Through investigation , it reveals that those compose music masters are devoted to creating children 's music , because of their historical sense of calling , and their sincere love and childlike innocence towards children .


  14. There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers . Persons have been said to climb on roofs , solve mathematical problems , compose music , walk through windows , and commit murder in their sleep .


  15. A gleam of inspiration helps him compose his music .


  16. Ruki : At first we compose the music , then I add the lyrics .


  17. He also empathized with mozart 's ability to continue to compose magnificent music even in very difficult and impoverished conditions .


  18. For Bolden 's hand and others that grew up around it in New Orleans , each player could compose his music while he was playing it ;


  19. A larger measure of the reason for this is that the style he pioneered was very influential , even among composers who continued to compose tonal music .


  20. As obstacles in the brook stri up the gurling , hardships and setbacks in the lifetime compose splendid music movement .


  21. Under respect of " moving without changing the form , complement without being on the same way ", compose the national music full of Chinese features and Chinese styles and create the socialistic harmonious society with the Chinese characteristics by harmonious music .


  22. To compose or arrange ( music ) for performance by an orchestra .


  23. Nowadays , there 're a lot of software about MIDI creation and synthesis which can helps us to compose or play digital music with the computer .
